Friday, January 5, 2018

고물차를 타고 목숨이 위태로웠던 친구

DEAR ABBY: Recently a friend came over and took me to lunch.
She has a small, 50-year-old vintage car that was very popular in the '60s.
She had come from Marin County over the Golden Gate Bridge to my house.

As she drove us to the restaurant, her car stalled twice.
It was very underpowered and, in my opinion, rickety.
After she dropped me home, I sent her an email strongly expressing
my concern that she is driving an unsafe car.
I was worried for her safety. She took offense, so I apologized.

She has plenty of money to buy a safe used car like anyone else,
but she says, "I like driving vintage."
I don't want to get into her car again.
Was I wrong to tell her I felt her car was unsafe? -- NERVOUS PASSENGER IN SAN FRANCISCO

DEAR PASSENGER: You weren't wrong to warn her.
However, you may have been wrong to assume that she has "plenty of
money to buy a safe used car."
Nobody has as much money as others assume they do.
Because you don't want to get into her car again, you should provide
the transportation from now on or meet her at the restaurant.

DEAR ABBY: Recently a friend came over and took me to lunch.
최근 친구 한명이 와서 나를 점심먹으러 데리고 갔습니다.

She has a small, 50-year-old vintage car that was very popular in the '60s.
그녀는 60년대에 아주 인기가 있던 조그만 50년된 빈티지 차량을 가지고 있습니다.

Antique와 의 Vintage차이를 아시나요?

Antique는 적어도 백년 이상된 가치있는 물건을 말합니다.
반면 Vintage는 백년까지는 아니지만 꽤 오래됐고
한때 유행했던 물건을 얘기합니다.
딱히 정해진 것은 아니지만 일반적 통념입니다.

She had come from Marin County over the Golden Gate Bridge to my house.
그녀는 금문교 위쪽에 있는 마린 카운티로부터 우리집까지 왔습니다.

As she drove us to the restaurant, her car stalled twice.
그녀가 우리를 식당으로 데리고 가는 동안,
그녀의 차는 두번이나 엔진이 꺼졌습니다.

It was very underpowered and, in my opinion, rickety.
그차는 힘이 딸렸으며 내 생각으로는 곧 부서질것 같았습니다.

After she dropped me home, I sent her an email strongly expressing
my concern that she is driving an unsafe car.
그녀가 나를 집에 내려준 후, 나는 그녀에게 안전하지 않은 차를
몰고 있어 아주 걱정스럽다는 이메일을 보냈습니다.

drop의 다양한 표현들입니다.

I got something to drop for you.
당신에게 드리고 갈게 있습니다.
I will drop you off on the way.
가는 길에 내려주겠다.
Prices drop suddenly.
물가가 갑자기 내렸다.
Let’s drop the subject.
그 주제는 빼도록 하자.
He dropped his knees.
그는 무릎을 꿇었다.
Just drop dead.
쥐 죽은듯 가만 있거라.
He dropped out of high school.
그는 고등학교를 중퇴했다.
My mom dropped in at my house.
어머니가 집에 들렀다.
She will drop by this afternoon.
그녀가 오후에 들릴 것이다.

I was worried for her safety.
나는 그녀의 안전이 걱정스러웠습니다.

She took offense, so I apologized.
그녀는 기분 나빠했고 그래서 나는 사과했습니다.

Take offense: 기분 나빠하다.

Bill took offense at Mary for her thoughtless remarks.
빌은 매리의 생각없는 발언에 기분이 나빴다.
Almost everyone took offense at Bill's new book.
거의 모든사람이 빌의 새책때문에 기분이 나빴다.
I'm sorry you took offense. I meant no harm.
기분나쁘게 해 미안해, 네게 상처를 주려고 한게 아니었어.

실례되거나 상처되는 말을 하기전 No offense를 하면 좋습니다.
No offence, but I find it hard to believe that.
기분 나빠하지마, 하지만 그걸 못믿겠어.
No offence, but I can’t go with you.
기분 나빠하지마, 너하고 함께 못갈것 같아.
No offence, I don’t accept your offer.
기분 나빠하지마. 하지만 너의 제안을 받아들일수 없어.

반면에 다음과 같은 표현도 함께 알아두십시오.
Tell me everything you know, I will take no offence.
알고있는것 모두 얘기해줘 기분 나빠 하지 않을게.

She has plenty of money to buy a safe used car like anyone else,
but she says, "I like driving vintage."
그녀는 다른 사람들처럼 안전한 중고차를 살 충분한 돈이 있습니다.
하지만 그녀는 “빈티치 차 모는 것을 좋아한다”고 합니다.

I don't want to get into her car again.
나는 다시는 그녀의 차를 타고싶지 않습니다

Was I wrong to tell her I felt her car was unsafe? -- NERVOUS PASSENGER
그녀에게 그녀의 차가 안전하지 않다고 말한  것이 잘못이었을까요?

DEAR PASSENGER: You weren't wrong to warn her.
그녀에게 경각심을 불러 일으켜 준것은 잘못되지 않았습니다.

However, you may have been wrong to assume that she has "plenty of
money to buy a safe used car."
하지만 그녀가 안전한 중고차를 살만큼 충분한 돈이 있을 것이라고
추측하신 것은 잘 못일수 있습니다.

Nobody has as much money as others assume they do.
어떤 사람도 남들이 생각한 만큼 충분한 돈을 가지고 있지 않습니다.

as ~as는 활용도가 많습니다.

You can eat as much as you want.
먹고 싶은대로 먹어라.
She is as tall as her brother.
그녀는 오빠만큼 키다 크다.
Her hands were as cold as ice.
그녀 손은 얼음처럼 차가웠다.

He is as tall as 190cm.
그는 190센티가 될만큼 키가 크다.
This car is as expansive as $50,000.
그차는 5만불이나 될정도로 비싸다.
Gyeongbokgung is as old as over 600 years.
경복궁은 6백년 이상 될정도로 오래됐다.

Because you don't want to get into her car again, you should provide
the transportation from now on or meet her at the restaurant.
다시는 그녀의 차를 타고싶지 않으시면 이제부터는 다른 교통수단을
마련하셔서 식당에서 그녀를 만나십시오.

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